Respect for human rights, the development of human resources, and the promotion of diversity
Respect for human rights
Respect for Human Rights
The Shin-Etsu Chemical Group supports the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. At the same time, we respect basic human rights in accordance with the core labor standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO). We conduct our business based on the constant respect for human rights at our locations around the world. In May 2019, we compiled this policy into the "Human Rights Policy", thoroughly implemented it within the Group, and disseminated it to public. In May 2024, in light of changes in the social environment surrounding human rights and with the approval of the Managing Directors’ Meeting attended by all directors, audit & supervisory board members and corporate officers, we reviewed and revised the Human Rights Policy based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
In addition, in order to confirm the status of compliance with our Human Rights Policy, we conduct an annual survey of our consolidated companies regarding items related to respecting human rights*1, labor management, and whether employment is properly implemented in accordance with the laws and regulations of each country and region. Furthermore, we consider human rights impacts on local communities when building new plants.
*1Items related to respecting human rights
Prohibition of child labor, proper working hours, decent wages, proper employment contract in writing, prohibition of inhuman treatment, prohibition of discrimination, freedom of association
The Shin-Etsu Group Human Rights Policy
Shin-Etsu Group (the "Group") engages in business based on its Business Principle, "The Group actively conducts in sustainable business practices and creates the value sought by society and industry through the provision of unrivaled key materials technologies." The foundation of this is respect for human rights. The Group respects the human rights of all individuals. To ensure respect for human rights perpetually, the Group commits to observe the laws and regulations applicable in the countries and regions where it does business, respect international codes of conduct*, and vigorously promote the activities listed below. In the event that a contradiction arises between the laws and regulations of a particular country or region and international codes of conduct, we will deal with the matter appropriately based on our Group principles for respecting human rights.
*"International codes of conduct" follows:
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ILO International Labour Standards, UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, UN Global Compact's 10 Principles, etc.
Respect for Human Rights
- Prohibition of discrimination
The Group does not discriminate at all on the basis of nationality, race, ethnicity, sex, religion, personal views, beliefs, age, social status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identification, labor union participation, health, marital status, political opinion, or any other status. - Prohibition of damaging human dignity
The Group does not in any case conduct sexual harassment, power harassment, maternity harassment or any other acts that damage human dignity. - Protection of privacy
The Group protects the privacy of individuals and handles personal information properly in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of each country and region. - Respect for basic labor rights
The Group respects the workers' right to organize, the right of collective bargaining, and further rights given to workers to establish, maintain, and improve trust and good cooperative relationships through dialogue between labor and management. - Prohibition of child labor and forced labor
The Group prohibits our operations in all countries and regions from using child labor in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of each country and region. We also prohibit the use of forced labor. - Working hours and wages
The Group complies with the working hours, breaks, holidays, and minimum wages stipulated by the applicable laws and regulations of each country. - Health and safety
For the Group, safety is a fundamental prerequisite for business operations. We prioritize safety above all else and strive to further improve the work environment so that employees can work with peace of mind.
Activities for Respecting Human Rights
- Human rights awareness
The people responsible for human resources in each business site and company of the Group will strive to develop the proper understanding of human rights and awareness of respect for human rights through activities including education for employees on human rights. - Human resources development
The Group will create an environment in which diverse individuals can work at their full capacity and equally give all employees opportunities aligned with their aptitudes to develop and utilize their abilities. - Working environment
The Group will make efforts to create a sound and comfortable working environment and to ensure safety. - Prevention of human rights infringement
The Group will make efforts to prevent the infringement of human rights in the course of business activities by conducting human rights due diligence* in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. - Measures for handling issues
If there are concerns regarding human rights infringement in our business activities, the Group will take appropriate measures promptly to resolve them. - Remedies
If an incident occurs in the course of our corporate activities that is deemed to have had a negative impact on human rights, we will respond appropriately in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of each country as well as international codes of conduct. For this reason, we have established a whistleblowing hotlines that can be used by officers and employees of the Group, their families and business partners. - Promotion of respect for human rights
The Group will encourage all people associated with the Group to respect international codes of conduct for human rights. - Information disclosure
We will regularly disclose information on the Group's efforts to respect human rights.
*"Human rights due diligence" means:
To regularly implement the identification, evaluation, preventative/corrective measures, investigation, monitoring, and information disclosure of human rights risks in accordance with the Group's human rights policy.
Yasuhiko Saitoh, President
Established on May 21, 2019
Revised on May 17, 2024
Human Rights Due Diligence
Human Rights Promotion Structure
The Human Rights Due Diligence Subcommittee established within the Sustainability Committee and the Shin-Etsu Chemical’s Human Rights Enlightenment Promotion Committee play a central role in promoting overall human rights due diligence based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The subcommittee formulates human rights policies, conducts human rights risk surveys for the Group, identifies priority human rights risk issues, and the establishment and maintenance of a system for consulting and reporting on human rights in cooperation with relevant departments.
Furthermore, the company is a member of both the Industrial Federation for Human Rights, Tokyo and the Corporate Federation for Dowa and Human Rights Issue, Osaka. We discover human rights developments and obtain latest information through federation activities and training sessions held by administrative organizations to promote awareness of human rights.
Conducting Human Rights Risk Surveys
In December 2019, we began conducting human rights risk surveys with all Group companies to identify human rights risks in the Group's value chain. As a result, we were able to confirm that no serious violations of human rights had occurred that conflicted with our human rights policy. The Group will continue to conduct corporate activities based on respect for human rights.
Identification of Priority Issues for Human Rights Risks
In FY2021, we evaluated the priority of human rights issues based on the risks assumed for the Group from the two axes of "severity of potential impact on human rights" and "relationship between human rights risk and the company". As a result, the Group identified potential risks related to health and safety and working hours as high. In addition, in an analysis of the responses to the human rights risk survey, approximately 40% of Group companies responded that human rights management in the supply chain is important, indicating the need to promote efforts to respect human rights throughout the supply chain. The results of the evaluation were reported to the outside directors and outside audit & supervisory board members. The received comments and the survey results were disseminated throughout the Group as the priority risks for human rights risks of the Group. We will continue to address priority issues step by step.
Initiatives for FY2023
Working hours
The Shin-Etsu Group is actively working to introduce a system to accurately grasp working hours based on computer logs and other information. In addition, we are promoting the development of systems and working environments that enable flexible and highly productive work styles, such as the flextime system and telecommuting. Furthermore, with statutory caps on overtime work hours to be introduced to the construction industry in FY2024, we support the efforts of applicable Group companies in Japan to reduce overtime work.
Health and safety
We create the "Shin-Etsu Group Environmental Safety Management Plan", and are working to set specific numerical targets for occupational safety.
Supply chain management
Starting in 2022, we sent the "Shin-Etsu Group Human Rights Policy," "Basic Procurement Policy," and "CSR Procurement Guidelines" to our major business partners, and we shared our policies regarding sustainability activities, including respect for human rights. In addition, approximately 70% of the Group's primary business partners cooperated in responding to a survey on sustainability initiatives, including human rights, allowing us to assess the status of these initiatives. As a result, we were able to confirm that no serious human rights violations had occurred that would violate the human rights provisions designated as important matters by the Company.
Implementation of Human Rights Awareness Education
The subcommittee works with the Shin-Etsu Chemcial’s Human Rights Enlightenment Promotion Committee to promote awareness and education of human rights. This committee holds regular human rights awareness training for directors and employees. The committee asks people to submit human rights enlightenment mottos to coincide with our annual human rights week in December. In FY2023, we conducted 46 training sessions on respect for human rights, with 1,125 employees participating in the training. In the training, basic knowledge and countermeasures regarding power harassment, sexual harassment, LGBTQ, etc. were explained, and efforts were made to raise employee awareness of human rights.
Consulting and Reporting on Human Rights
Our group has the following three contact points. The confidentiality of consulters and whistleblowers will be protected, and they will not be treated unfavorably for consulting or reporting.
- Compliance consultation office
Officers, employees, advisors, contract employees, part-time employees, and temporary employees can report by email or phone. - Dial Shin-Etsu
Domestic employees, advisors, contract employees, part-time employees, and temporary employees can consult anonymously by phone. - Supplier hotline
Our Group's suppliers can report by e-mail.
Related Data
Aspect | Classification | Scope | Unit | FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 |
Human rights | Number of child labour | Consolidated | Persons | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Number of forced labour | Consolidated | Persons | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Key Sustainability Issues
- The foundation of all activities: legal compliance, fair corporate activities
- Health and safety of employees and contractors
- Energy-saving, resource-saving, and reduction of the environmental impacts
- Product quality improvements and product safety control
- Promoting CSR procurement and the diversification of supply sources
- Respect for human rights, the development of human resources, and the promotion of diversity
- Respect for and protection of intellectual property
- Contribution to industry and social initiatives
- Accurate and timely information disclosure and communication with stakeholders