Shin-Etsu Group Key CSR Issues

Shin-Etsu Group Key CSR Issues

Key Issue8: Accurate and timely information disclosure and communication with stakeholders


The Group will use various opportunities to continue dialogues with stakeholders.

Information Disclosure

The Group believes the appropriate and timely disclosure of company information promotes of stakeholder understanding, and also leads to proper evaluations of the market.

In accordance with the regulations regarding information disclosure set by the stock exchange and the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, the Company has formulated internal regulations regarding collection, management, and timely disclosure of corporate information. These regulations include the Regulations on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information and the Rules on Regulation of Insider Trading. These rules are communicated to all of the departments in the Company and Group companies to promote smooth and timely disclosure.

For non-financial information, we are actively making voluntary disclosures such as posting information on the Company's website, publicizing through the news media, the Annual Report, financial statements and other reports.

State of the internal system for timely disclosure
  • State of the internal system for timely disclosure
  • Presentations  to individual investors  (October  2018, Shin-Etsu Chemical Head Office)

    Presentations to individual investors
    (October 2018, Shin-Etsu Chemical Head Office)

Dialogue with Stakeholders

The Group, through a variety of methods and opportunities, is carrying out an active dialogue with stakeholders. We believe that this effort contributes to a sustainable growth of the Group and increases corporate value.

Major communication method and opportunity

Shareholders and Investors
  • General Shareholders' Meeting
  • Earnings presentations and conference call for analysts and institutional investors (4 times a year)
  • Plant tour for analysts and institutional investors (once a year)
  • One-on-one meetings with analysts (about 300 times a year)
  • Small meetings and conferences hosted by securities companies (6 times: FY2018)
  • Presentations to individual investors. (6 times : FY2018)
  • Information provided by the homepage, Annual Report, etc.
  • Day-to-day communications by sales representatives
  • Information provided by the homepage, exhibitions, etc.
  • Day-to-day communications by the Purchasing Department
  • Supplier Hotline
Local communities
  • Dialogue with bodies such as local governments
  • Participation in local events
  • Dialogue and consultation with Labor Unions
    Information provided by the company magazine and intranet
Plant tour for securities analysts and institutional investors (January 2018, Shin-Etsu Chemical Naoetsu plant)

Plant tour for securities analysts and institutional investors
(January 2018, Shin-Etsu Chemical Naoetsu plant)

Customer-sponsored Responsible Care Seminar

(May 2019)

Customer-sponsored Responsible Care Seminar
(May 2019)

Responsible Care regional dialogue (February 2019, Shin-Etsu Chemical Kashima plant)

Responsible Care regional dialogue
(February 2019, Shin-Etsu Chemical Kashima plant)

Participation in the Ministry of the Environment's Environmental Reporting Platform Development Pilot Project

The Company has participated in the Environmental Reporting Platform Development Pilot Project hosted by the Ministry of the Environment since 2013.

Following the global trend, it is expected that in Japan, too, ESG investments1 will expand in the future. Today, however, companies disclose non-financial information which provide materials for investment decisions, at their own discretion, so it is difficult for investors to obtain and compare information equally. In 2013, in order to improve this situation, the Ministry of the Environment led the world in building a system to disclose non-financial information, particularly environmental information, and began verification tests of the system. This system is expected to allow companies to disclose non-financial information in a format that enables investors to compare it with information from others and promote active dialogues between companies and investors and other stakeholders.

We hope that investors and many other stakeholders will inspect the information disclosed under this project and obtain a deeper understanding of our CSR initiatives.

  • 1 ESG investment
    An investment method in which investors pay attention to not only corporate financial information, but also to non-financial information, such as initiatives for the environment (E), social (S), and governance (G).


Shin-Etsu Group Key CSR Issues