President’s Message

The Shin-Etsu Group strives to deliver materials to the world based on our business principle: “The Group actively conducts in sustainable business practices and creates the value sought by society and industry through the provision of unrivaled key materials technologies.”
The Shin-Etsu Group offers a wide range of materials. We currently hold the top market share worldwide for polyvinyl chloride resins, which are used in a variety of fields from infrastructure construction to daily living, as well as semiconductor silicon, which serves as the essential semiconductor material for such key areas in our advanced information society as IoT and AI. We have also garnered high praise for other materials that are indispensable for modern industry and living, including silicone, electronics and functional materials, as well as specialty chemicals.
We aim to be world leaders on many fronts and to achieve higher earnings as part of our management objectives. To this end, we seek firstly to realize strong sales, where we grow together with our customers by always placing priority on sales and using additional income to make swift investments. Secondly, we seek to conduct strong research and development that will help create new products and services while taking serious heed of the needs of both customers and society. Thirdly, we seek to achieve strong manufacturing, where we reliably produce high-quality products while keeping safety as our top priority. Through the combination of our efforts in these three areas, we are reinforcing our foundation for growth and maximizing our corporate value.
We also aim to contribute toward the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) as part of our management objectives, and we are turning our eyes toward challenges on a global scale. By providing society with the materials it needs and through other activities, we are contributing to the solution of issues facing the world today and to the overall future of our irreplaceable planet Earth, while reducing our environmental impact by conserving energy and resources.
Through these efforts in management, we will establish an unwavering position in the ever-changing global market and will seek to achieve sustainable growth and expansion. I would be most grateful for your continued understanding and further support.
PresidentYasuhiko Saitoh