Sustainability Data

Corporate Goverenance

Aspect Classification Scope Unit End of June 2022 End of June 2023 End of June 2024
Number of Board Directors Directors Shin-Etsu Chemical Persons 10 9 9
Outside directors Shin-Etsu Chemical Persons 5 5 5
Women on the board Shin-Etsu Chemical Persons 0 1 1
Number of Audit & Supervisory Boards Audit & Supervisory Boards Shin-Etsu Chemical Persons 5 4 4
Outside Audit & Supervisory Boards Shin-Etsu Chemical Persons 3 3 3
Women on the Audit & Supervisory Boards Shin-Etsu Chemical Persons 1 2 2
Structure of Officers' Remuneration Committee Independent outside directors ratio Shin-Etsu Chemical % 60 75 75
Aspect Classification Scope Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Remuneration of directors Excluding outside directors Shin-Etsu Chemical Millions of yen 1,507 1,269 917
Remuneration of Audit & Supervisory Boards Excluding the Audit & Supervisory Boards Shin-Etsu Chemical Millions of yen 36 38 24
Remuneration of Outside directors and the Audit & Supervisory Boards Shin-Etsu Chemical Millions of yen 171 185 187
Payments of income taxes Japan Billions of yen 81.1 128.6 1,109
United States Billions of yen 58.1 126.1 783
Europe Billions of yen 4.1 5.0 74
Asia/Oceania Billions of yen 4.0 7.1 121
Amount of political contributions Shin-Etsu Chemical Millions of yen 0.3 0.3 0.7
  • *Please refer to IR information for details on financial information.

The foundation of all activities: legal compliance, fair corporate activities

Aspect Classification Scope Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Number of violators of the Anti-Bribery Regulations Consolidated Persons 0 0 0
Total costs of penalties regarding corruption Consolidated Yen 0 0 0
Number of reports to Compliance Consultation Office Shin-Etsu Group Number of reports 9 8 11

Health and safety of employees and contractors

Aspect Classification Scope Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Management ISO45001/OHSAS18001 certification ratio*1 (Employees) Consolidated manufacturing companies % 35 34 33
Occupational health and safety Number participants in safety training (Total number of persons) Consolidated Persons 56,236 75,406 87,349
Lost-time accidents rate*2 Japan 0.00 0.00 0.15
Overseas 1.71 1.15 0.75
Industry average(JCIA) 0.41 0.43 0.47
Rate of accidents not accompanied by an of absence a day*2 Japan 0.53 0.37 0.25
Overseas 3.82 3.18 1.60
Lost-time accidents severity rate*2 Japan 0.00 0.00 0.01
Overseas 0.07 0.03 0.03
Industry average(JCIA) 0.01 0.07 0.04
Number of work-related employee fatalities Consolidated Persons 0 0 0
  • *1ISO45001/OHSAS18001 certification ratio
    The plants which does not have certification has a occupational health and safety management system the same level as ISO45001/OHSAS18001.

  • *2Lost-time accidents rate and Rate of accidents not accompanied by an of absence a day and Lost-time accidents severity rate
    These were calculated in calender year.

Energy-saving, resource-saving, and reduction of the environmental impacts

Aspect Classification Scope Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Management ISO14001 certification ratio*1 Shin-Etsu Chemical % 100 100 100
Consolidated plants % 70 73 73
Total costs of environmental fines and penalties Japan Yen 0 0 0
Response to climate change Energy Consumption (Crude Oil Equivalent) Consolidated Million ℓ 3,126 3,428 3,098
GHG Emissions (Scope1+Scope2) Consolidated Thousand tons of CO2e 6,081 6,613 6,507
GHG Scope1 emissions*2 Consolidated Thousand tons of CO2e 2,077 2,246 2,242
GHG Scope2 emissions*2 Consolidated Thousand tons of CO2e 4,003 4,367 4,266
GHG Scope3 emissions*3 Consolidated Thousand tons of CO2e 10,315 11,139 10,866
Emissions intensity index of production volume relative to 1990 Shin-Etsu Chemical % 46.3 46.8 53.4
Shin-Etsu Group % 52.9 54.2 57.0
Water resource conservation Warer use*4 Consolidated Million m3 2,606 2,618 2,536
Water withdrawals Consolidated Million m3 187 193 164
Water recycle Consolidated Million m3 2,420 2,425 2,372
Water recycle ratio Consolidated % 92.8 92.6 93.5
Water discharge Consolidated Million m3 174 183 161
BOD emission Consolidated t 747 699 737
COD emission Consolidated t 4,941 3,259 2,790
Waste reduction Waste generated Japan Thousand tons 116 112 105
Overseas Thousand tons 143 178 164
Waste recycled Japan Thousand tons 81 80 73
Overseas Thousand tons 96 134 130
Waste recycling ratio Japan % 70 71 70
Overseas % 68 75 80
Waste for landfill Japan Thousand tons 1.10 1.18 1.14
Overseas Thousand tons 46.22 40.17 32.62
Disposal ratio Japan % 0.95 1.05 1.08
Overseas % 32.44 22.52 19.89
Reduction of chemical emissions PRTR Controlled Substance: Trend of Total Amount Released Japan t 183 154 179
PRTR Controlled Substance: Trend of Total Amount Transferred Japan t 1,579 1,485 3,473
PRTR Controlled Substance: Chloromethane Release Trend Japan t 78.3 57.8 32.0
PRTR Controlled Substance: 1,2-Dichloroethane Released Amounts Japan t 15.4 11.2 13.7
PRTR Controlled Substance: Chloroethylene Release Trend Japan t 13.0 13.6 13.9
Prevention of Air Pollution Soot*5 Consolidated t 54 100 87
NOx*5 Consolidated t 1,929 1,826 2,244
SOx*5 Consolidated t 456 446 441
VOC*5 Shin-Etsu Chemical t 286 280 226
  • *1ISO14001 certification ratio
    The plants which does not have ISO14001 certification has a occupational health and safety management system the same level as ISO14001.

  • *2GHG Scope1,2 emissions
    In cases where emissions were reported to national governments, the reported values were retroactively used for Scope 1 and Scope 2 calculations.

  • *3GHG Scope3 emissions
    Starting in FY2022, we changed the emission factor for raw material procurement in Category 1 and the emission factors for marine transportation in Categories 4-(1) and 9.

  • *4Warer use
    Amount of water withdrawals and water recycle.

  • *5Soot, NOx, SOx, VOC
    Data for soot, NOx, and SOx were recalculated retroactively, including data for some business sites.

Product quality improvements and product safety control

Aspect Classification Scope Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Product safety training Number participants (Total number of persons) Consolidated Persons 49,851 71,142 82,735

Respect for human rights, the development of human resources, and the promotion of diversity

Aspect Classification Scope Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Employees Number of employees by region Japan Persons 9,101 9,401 9,718
Asia/Oceania Persons 10,617 10,935 10,736
Latin America Persons 0 0 0
United States Persons 3,638 3,745 3,887
Europe Persons 1,598 1,636 1,663
Consolidated Persons 24,954 25,717 26,004
Number of employees (male) Consolidated Persons 17,434 18,120 18,461
Japan Persons 8,100 8,345 8,583
Overseas Persons 9,334 9,775 9,878
Number of employees (female) Consolidated Persons 7,520 7,597 7,543
Japan Persons 1,001 1,056 1,135
Overseas Persons 6,519 6,541 6,408
Turnover rates Shin-Etsu Chemical % 1.3 1.4 1.2
Consolidated % 18.4 15.0 12.7
Voluntary turnover rates Shin-Etsu Chemical % 1.1 1.2 1.0
Consolidated % 17.2 13.8 11.0
Human rights Number of child labour Consolidated Persons 0 0 0
Number of forced labour Consolidated Persons 0 0 0
Diversity Employment rate of persons with disabilities Shin-Etsu Chemical % 2.27 2.35 2.42
The number of women in managerial positions including junior manager level Shin-Etsu Chemical Persons 19 19 23
Consolidated Persons 538 576 557
Percentage of women in managerial positions at the section manager level and above Shin-Etsu Chemical % 1.7 1.7 2.0
Consolidated % 11.1 12.6 12.7
Work-life balance Number of employees who have taken childcare leave* (female) Consolidated Persons 99 151 196
Japan Persons 24 27 29
Overseas Persons 75 124 167
Number of employees who have taken childcare leave* (male) Consolidated Persons 88 156 283
Japan Persons 24 66 114
Overseas Persons 64 90 169
Number of people obtaining nursing care leave Japan Persons 2 3 2
  • *Number of employees who have taken childcare leave
    The length of childcare leave differs from country to country, as the program is based on local law.

Respect for and protection of intellectual property

Aspect Classification Scope Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Patents acquired Japan Main consolidated manufacturing companies Number of patents 606 601 656
Overseas Main consolidated manufacturing companies Number of patents 1,351 1,113 1,325
Asia/Oceania Main consolidated manufacturing companies Number of patents 768 672 773
North America Main consolidated manufacturing companies Number of patents 205 189 189
Europe Main consolidated manufacturing companies Number of patents 374 246 359
Other Main consolidated manufacturing companies Number of patents 4 4 4
Total Main consolidated manufacturing companies Number of patents 1,957 1,714 1,981
Patents held Japan Main consolidated manufacturing companies Number of patents 7,535 7,730 7,921
Overseas Main consolidated manufacturing companies Number of patents 14,102 14,580 15,145
Asia/Oceania Main consolidated manufacturing companies Number of patents 6,633 7,028 7,479
North America Main consolidated manufacturing companies Number of patents 3,203 3,206 3,225
Europe Main consolidated manufacturing companies Number of patents 4,197 4,278 4,381
Other Main consolidated manufacturing companies Number of patents 69 68 60
Total Main consolidated manufacturing companies Number of patents 21,637 22,310 23,066

Contribution to industry and social initiatives

Aspect Classification Scope Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Total Amount of donations Consolidated Millions of yen 59 72 1,980
  • *Sustainability data covers the following
    Consolidated: Shin-Etsu Chemical and its domestic and overseas consolidated companies.
    Japan: Shin-Etsu Chemical and its domestic consolidated companies.
    Overseas: Shin-Etsu Chemical's overseas consolidated companies.
    Shin-Etsu Chemical Group: Shin-Etsu Chemical and its domestic and overseas group companies.