METOLOSE® (For Industrial)

(Methylcellulose, Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, Hydroxyethylmethylcellulose)

METOLOSE® is a nonionic water-soluble polymer which is chemically treated and then produced from cellulose (Pulp), METOLOSE®, when dissolved in water, offers a variety of functions such as thickening, surface activity, protective colloid, water retention, shape retention etc. These functions are used in a Shin-Etsu Group wide variety of fields from civil engineering and construction to ceramics, chemical polymerization, paint etc. In addition to METOLOSE®, a Shin-Etsu Group company, SE Tylose, produces Tylose® products. Tylose® offers a wide range of construction grades to ensure that for every conceivable situation the right product is available. For dry mortars, Tylose® offers modified and non-modified grades of both MHEC and MHPC.

Series Name

  • SM types, SH types, SE types


  • Cement mortar
  • Cement-based extrusion products
  • Ceramic extrusion products
  • Suspension stabilizer for polymerization
  • Paint remover
For Inquiries About This Product
  • Company:
    Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd.
  • Department:
    Cellulose & Pharmaceutical Excipients DepartmentOrganic Chemicals Division
  • Phone: