Shin-Etsu Chemical Sustainability Site Questionnaire

Thank you for reading our Sustainability site. We would appreciate it very much if you could fill out the following questionnaire.
Q1: Which sections were the most impressive and interesting? (Multiple answers allowed)
President’s Message
Management Foundation
Sustainability Management
Corporate Governance
Shin-Etsu Group Key Sustainability Issues
Specifying Shin-Etsu Group Key Sustainability Issues
Risks and opportunities for Shin-Etsu Group Key Sustainability Issues
The foundation of all activities: legal compliance, fair corporate activities
Employees and contractor health and safety
Energy-saving, resource-saving and reduction of environmental impact
Product quality improvements and product safety control
Promoting CSR procurement and the diversification of supply sources
Respect for human rights, the development of human resources and the promotion of diversity
Respect for and protection of intellectual property
Contribution to industry and social initiatives
Accurate and timely information disclosure and communication with stakeholders
Q2: How do you appraise the sustainability initiatives that the Shin-Etsu Chemical Group has conducted?
Highly Commendable
If you chose "Unsatisfactory", please give your reasons in the space below.
Q3: What did you think of the site?
Was it easy to read?
Very easy to read
Easy to read
Somewhat hard to read
Hard to read
Was it easy to understand?
Very easy to understand
Easy to understand
Somewhat hard to understand
Hard to understand
Was the information complete?
Very complete
Somewhat lacking
How was the number of pages
Too many
A little too many
Just right
A little too few
Too few
Q4: Please answer the following questions.
Shareholder or investor
Supplier or business partner
Local resident near our plants
Government official
Environmental group
Securities or bank
News media
Research institute or educational institute
Person in charge of corporate environment
Employee or their family of Shin-Etsu Group
Other (Please describe specifically: )
Q5:Please answer the following questions.
Male   Female
20s or below 30s
40s 50s
60s and above  
Q5:Please answer the following questions.
Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd., Public Relations Dept.