ESG Data

ESG Data

Corporate Governance

Aspect Classification Scope Unit FY2016 FY2017 FY2018
Number of Board Directors Directors Non‒consolidated Persons 23 22 22
Outside directors Non‒consolidated Persons 4 4 4
Women on the board Non‒consolidated Persons 0 0 0
Number of Audit & Supervisory Boards Audit & Supervisory Boards Non‒consolidated Persons 5 5 5
Outside Audit & Supervisory Boards Non‒consolidated Persons 3 3 3
Women on the Audit & Supervisory Boards Non‒consolidated Persons 0 0 0
Structure of Officers' Remuneration Committee Independent outside directors ratio Non‒consolidated % 20 20 20
Remuneration of directors Excluding outside directors Non‒consolidated Millions of yen 1,539 1,615 1,635
Remuneration of Audit & Supervisory Boards Excluding the Audit & Supervisory Boards Non‒consolidated Millions of yen 40 40 40
Remuneration of Outside directors and the Audit & Supervisory Boards   Non‒consolidated Millions of yen 155 149 149
Payments of income taxes   Consolidated in Japan Millions of yen 46,203 49,987 69,274
Consolidated in overseas Millions of yen 16,692 24,804 52,314
Amount of political contributions   Non‒consolidated Millions of yen 0 2 2

* Please refer to Investors for details on financial information.

The foundation of all activities: legal compliance, fair corporate activities

Aspect Classification Scope Unit FY2016 FY2017 FY2018
Number of violators of the Anti-Bribery Regulations   Consolidated Persons - 0 0
Total costs of penalties regarding corruption   Consolidated Yen - 0 0

Key Issue 1: Employees and contractor health and safety

Aspect Classification Scope Unit FY2016 FY2017 FY2018
Management OHSAS18001 certification ratio1(Employees) Consolidated manufacturing companies % 32 38 39
Occupational health and safety Number participants in safety training
(Total number of persons)
Non‒consolidated Persons 7,970 9,751 11,774
Consolidated Persons 22,166 24,829 28,013
Lost-time incident rate2 Group companies in Japan3 - 0.17 0.13 0.16
Industry average (JCIA) - 0.35 0.36 0.30
Rate of accidents not accompanied by an of absence a day2 Group companies in Japan - 0.82 0.50 0.74
Lost-time injuries severity rate2 Non‒consolidated - 0.05 0.00 0.01
Industry average (JCIA) - 0.009 0.035 0.026
Number of work-related employee fatalities Consolidated Persons 0 0 0
  • 1 OHSAS18001 certification ratio
    The plants which does not have OHSAS18001 certification has a occupational health and safety management system the same level as OHSAS18001.
  • 2 Lost-time incident rate and Rate of accidents not accompanied by an of absence a day and Lost-time injuries severity rate
    These were calculated in calendar year.
  • 3 Group companies in Japan
    This is subject to consolidated companies and some companies which are exempt from consolidation in Japan.

Key Issue 2: Energy-saving, resource-saving and the reduction of the environmental impact

Aspect Classification Scope Unit FY2016 FY2017 FY2018
Management ISO14001 certification ratio1
Non‒consolidated % 100 100 100
Consolidated plants % 65 67 70
Total costs of environmental fines and penalties Shin-Etsu Chemical Yen 0 0 0
Consolidated in Japan Yen 0 0 0
Response to climate change GHG Scope1 emissions The Group2 Thousand tons of CO2e 1,650 1,734 1,696
GHG Scope2 emissions The Group Thousand tons of CO2e 3,264 3,510 3,507
GHG Scope3 emissions The Group Thousand tons of CO2e 14,803 16,754 16,892
Water resource conservation Water use3 Non‒consolidated Million m3 414 429 436
The Group Million m3 2,154 2,222 2,258
Water withdrawals Non‒consolidated Million m3 19 20 19
The Group Million m3 189 196 190
Water recycle Non‒consolidated Million m3 396 410 416
The Group Million m3 1,965 2,026 2,068
Water recycle ratio Non‒consolidated % 96 95 96
The Group % 91 91 92
Water discharge Non‒consolidated Million m3 19 20 20
The Group Million m3 179 187 182
Air emissions Soot Non‒consolidated t 11 13 18
The Group t 19 47 71
NOx Non‒consolidated t 512 541 508
The Group t 1,010 1,046 974
SOx Non‒consolidated t 20 30 24
The Group t 130 154 147
VOC4 Non‒consolidated t 193 268 293
  • 1 ISO14001 certification ratio
    The plants which does not have ISO14001 certification has a occupational health and safety management system the same level as ISO14001
  • 2 The Group
    This is subject to consolidated companies and some companies which are exempt from consolidation.
  • 3 Water use
    Amount of water withdrawals and water discharge
  • 4 VOC
    VOC emissions increased since revised estimated object substance from FY2017.
  • * Please refer to the Environmental Data for more details on Environmental Data.

Key Issue 3: Product quality improvements and product safety control

Aspect Classification Scope Unit FY2016 FY2017 FY2018
Product safety training Number participants
(Total number of persons)
Non‒consolidated Persons 7,970 9,751 11,774
Consolidated Persons 22,166 19,593 21,170

Key Issue 5: Respect for human rights, the development of human resources and the promotion of diversity

Aspect Classification Scope Unit FY2016 FY2017 FY2018
Employees Number of employees by region Japan Persons 8,020 8,160 8,381
Asia/Oceania Persons 7,026 7,623 8,689
Latin America Persons 0 0 0
United States Persons 2,738 2,916 3,149
Europe Persons 1,422 1,456 1,516
Consolidated Persons 19,206 20,155 21,735
Number of employees (male) Consolidated Persons 14,188 14,695 15,770
Number of employees (female) Consolidated Persons 5,018 5,460 5,965
Turnover rates Non‒consolidated % - 0.6 0.9
Consolidated % - 11.1 13.0
Voluntary turnover rates Non‒consolidated % 0.8 0.4 0.7
Consolidated % 9.6 10.6 12.7
Human rights Number of child labour Consolidated Persons 0 0 0
Number of forced labour Consolidated Persons 0 0 0
Diversity Employment rate of persons with disabilities Non‒consolidated % 2.03 2.08 2.13
The number of women in managerial positions including junior manager level Non‒consolidated Persons 27 33 41
Consolidated Persons - 324 392
Work-life balance Number of employees who have taken childcare leave1 (female) Non‒consolidated Persons 9 8 11
Consolidated Persons 72 69 100
Consolidated in Japan Persons 44 39 35
Consolidated in overseas Persons 28 30 65
Number of employees who have taken childcare leave (male) Non‒consolidated Persons 0 0 0
Consolidated Persons 68 77 90
Consolidated in Japan Persons 0 0 1
Consolidated in overseas Persons 68 77 89
Number of people obtaining nursing care leave Consolidated in Japan Persons 1 2 0
  • 1 Number of employees who have taken childcare leave
    The length of childcare leave differs from country to country, as the program is based on local law.

Key Issue 6: Respect for and protection of intellectual property

Aspect Classification Scope Unit FY2016 FY2017 FY2018
Patents acquired Japan Main group companies1 Number of patents 697 591 577
Overseas Main group companies Number of patents 1,325 1,591 1,202
 Asia/Oceania Main group companies Number of patents 642 724 543
 North America Main group companies Number of patents 220 265 220
 Europe Main group companies Number of patents 458 595 435
 Other Main group companies Number of patents 5 7 4
Total Main group companies Number of patents 2,022 2,182 1,779
Patents held Japan Main group companies Number of patents 7,355 7,562 7,702
Overseas Main group companies Number of patents 10,951 12,007 12,671
 Asia/Oceania Main group companies Number of patents 4,707 5,314 5,707
 North America Main group companies Number of patents 2,924 3,077 3,162
 Europe Main group companies Number of patents 3,286 3,578 3,755
 Other Main group companies Number of patents 34 38 47
Total Main group companies Number of patents 18,306 19,569 20,373
  • 1 Main group companies
    This is subject to main manufacturing companies and some manufacturing companies which are exempt from consolidation.

Key Issue 7: Contribution to industry and social initiatives

Aspect Classification Scope Unit FY2016 FY2017 FY2018
Total Amount of donations   Consolidated Millions of yen 98 82 118